October 07, 2005

European men are seemingly taking it easy

"Chilling out is a daily habit." Kai, 32, Berlin

Growing numbers of young men in Northern Europe do not want work to overwhelm them, and have decided to put their lives before their jobs. Gone are days of being the sole breadwinner, sweating away worrying about the work-life balance. Most young people do not connect with their parent’s attitude towards work, instead work, and the concept of ‘career’ that accompanies it, is now thought to be less of a duty and more of an option. This has resulted in these young workers expectations often veering quite dramatically from those of employers. These casual work motives are set to become a massive undertow in the labour market. But underneath this slack facard lies simply a new attitude to work. Seen as the provider of cash, the lifestyle lubricant, work only makes the act of consuming more fluid.

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