March 20, 2008

HD males

As men live more of their life online, their online image becomes increasingly important. ‘Before, photos would only be seen by a small circle of friends’, says Ben Terrett, founding partner of The Design Conspiracy. This has led to a trend in people carefully controlling their online image, resorting to professional retouching to make sure they look their best. According to report I worked on at the Future Laboratory for Kodak, 37% of Europeans already use software to retouch their photos. With the introduction of high-definition cameras, which reveal every pore and blemish, retouching will become more relevant.

Ross Phillips, head of interactive at online fashion and art project ShowStudio, believes that camera companies will start to offer amateur retouching software to consumers when they buy a digital compact camera, allowing them to carry out minor functions themselves without having to face complex programmes such as Adobe’s Photoshop. Snapmania, an online photo manager, has introduced a ‘Tourist Remover’ tool that allows users to remove unwanted tourists from their photos of landmark sites.

Above: Nikon concept 360 camera

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